Friday, July 15, 2005

Wordy Woodpecker #6

Let us not kid ourselves that Bush will appoint a moderate to aviod a firestorm. A pro-choice nominee would face the extreme wrath of the relegious base, and they are hungry. After Congress failed to intervene in the Terry case, many on the religous staked the Supreme Court as the final line; if the President blaks them here, they severly cut their number. What will actually happen to the court decisions will likely be rather small. Instead of O'Conner, the reigning swing vote will be Kennedy.

They call him Flipper, Flipper...

But the most important impact will be the partisan birth fest that will result, and the effects on 2006 and 2008. Assuming the nominee is Janice Brown, for the sake of arguement...

Instapundit will appectionatly link to a number of blog entries that accuse Democrats of racism with "Heh. Indeed.", but will instantly called liberals who call him out as shrill.

Ann Coulter will accuse liberals of trying to keep blacks "on the plantation" and when faced with angry comments in response, she will act like a victim and claim their anger makes them crazy and unable to debate.

Hugh Hewitt will claim that liberals are anti-Christain for opposing a justice that wants to incorporate the Bible into law.

David Limbaugh will take it a step further, comparing liberals to Nero for savage anti-Christain bigotry.

Move America Foward will act outraged that liberals are opposing the President... DURING WARTIME

Sean Hannity will argue that liberals shouldn't play politics with judical nominees by confirming her immediatly. Alan Colmes will meekly argee.

And all the while, the news media will claim that the Democrats are planning to "Bork" the nominee and will ask in online polls "Is it appropiate to Bork nominees, especially during wartime?"

I'm not bitter. No way.


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