Friday, July 15, 2005

Sassy Snake #6

I like my Supreme Court Justices to be super heros.

Defenders of the weak and innocent, destroyers of bad precedent.

Sandra Day O’Conner was not a super hero. She made some good decisions (School District 47J v. Acton [even though she dissented}), and she made some horrible ones (Bush v. Gore to start). At least she wasn’t a master of the Dark side (think Rehnquist and Scalia here).

It’s just to bad that the overwhelming tendency of the Bush administration is to hire ideological conservatives who mask their activism behind the lie of strict construction. Its a good way to construct a force of super villians who are appointed for life, but it kinda sucks if you aren’t one the people that the founders deemed valuable.

When I fall asleep, Sandra issued decisions like Thurgood Marshall or William Brennan. But in the morning, she is still just Sandra . . . not the worst, but far from the best.

I’m just sad that her replacement will likely be far worse. One day, I hope the Supreme Court returns to its roots as the Justice League. Until then, lets just call them the empire.


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