Friday, July 15, 2005

Flippant Flamingo #6

Sandra Day O’Connor has already been forgotten.

WHAT? You’re saying. But, but, but….

But here’s the deal ladies and gentlemen. Sandra Day O’Connor’s appointment was special mostly because she is a woman. She was a great justice, a swing vote, and is overall a wonderful person. When she was appointed, it was hailed as a keystone in the women’s rights movement.
Yet our government is still run, overwhelmingly, by White Anglo-Saxon Prodestants. 99% of the current discussion about a replacement goes along the lines of “if he appoints an ultra-conservative woman, there is no way the Democrats can say anything” or other such comments.
The fact is, Sandra Day O’Connor was one that wanted gender to be a non-issue, on the court or anywhere else. And yet we remember her for being the first woman. We ask if her replacement will be a woman. We (as in a large majority of Americans, and a large majority of the lawmakers) don’t remember her stint as a justice for what she would have wanted.

Therefore, Sandra Day O’Conner has already been forgotten.

How about the next Justice is chosen not on what’s between their legs, but what’s between their eyes?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand your point, but now why you mentioned that society is run by WASPs. Isn't O'Connor a WASP herself?

12:50 PM  

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