Thursday, July 14, 2005

Creative Cardinal #6

5-4 cases O'Connor was key in dealing with civil-rights law:

My money is on the Ediths, but my friend is certain it'll be Lutwig or Gonzales. I nominate my Star Wars Stormtrooper pez-dispenser. It'd probably use logic that's easier to follow than the twists our Court sometimes applies now.

Reasonable Doubt
Don't rage against the jackal-bellied white man-god spewing hate.
There's only one thing to do for our nation and that is slither on twined, fiery bellies,
Begging that the law not be strangled in five, clawed hands.
Ash-mud fills their white corridors and my mouth is full of dust while I'm crying.
It's all crumbling wrong. It seems like there should have been another way.

Where were you when the sky fell down? Where were you when fine print filled our rivers with cyanide?
The blood of the martyrs flows down the black robes of the gavel-crowned
The blood of the babies who coughed and flickered and died.
They never meant to leave our sky yellow and flat like old newspaper,
They never meant to close our polling machines to only the rich and the white.
They never meant to deny anyone the ability to open yawning lips
But somehow, our constitution flew out the window
A frail paper crane.

In liberty, we refuse to be packmules for your babies.
In liberty, we refuse to let HMOs dictate our death.
In liberty, we made democracy into government by the people
Their skin the color of splintered rainbows, hands stretched into the sun.

Do you remember when we freed the detainees from their chains?
Lifting the locksmith and demanding a dawn?
Do you remember the cracking knuckles of the executioner who was stopped
In the precise moment the black, handicapped boy was going to die?
Long ago, we sang when our gay sisters and brothers finally raised babies
But now we spit at a moon's sniggering pus.
And you tell me that this doesn't matter. That all of these topics pale in comparison to who Paris Hilton fucked last.
Forgive me if I am less than intrigued.

There is some hope, at least, because the faithful will linger
Raising frail and free candles to hold back the night.
The shelter of voices trembling with emotion
We will not be brought down by the likes of you.


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