Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Earnest Elephant #1

I always felt like the ugly duckling. I never wore glasses or had a severe acne problem, but I was never a girl the boys looked at, unless it was to poke fun. I was identified as intelligent at an early age, and it was the source of most of my teasing. My best friends were books and a couple of other quiet people who enjoyed books.

We read mostly fantasy and when Madeline L'Engle's Wrinkle in Time I was prepared for your average fantasy ride. Immediately, however, I identified with mousy-haired Meg and her unique little brother Charles Wallace. I quickly read the entire series, and fell in love with A Swiftly Tilting Planet. As grown-up Meg communicates with Charles Wallace, I realized more and more about myself with every page I turned.

Meg revealed that I wouldn't be a loser forever, that I could make the transfer from ugly duckling to graceful swan. That everyone can find their Prince Charming and have their own version of a happy ending.


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