Friday, July 08, 2005

Sassy Snake #4

In the orchestra of dysfunction that is humanity, I’ll be damned if I’m going to play second chair.

I have this theory that everything is ridiculous. It starts at a five. And it only goes up. And there is no upper limit. Every situation is ri-god-damn-diculous. Some people are disturbed by this theory. And they should be. I laugh at inappropriate times, at inappropriate things. Most of the time, it hurts to bad to do anything else.

I’ve been well trained. Terrorism, Dave Chappell, Tsunami’s, Monkey’s, Earthquakes, the Special Olympics- preferably with shiny graphics- is just another thing to consume. Pain is the new diamond, and who doesn’t like diamonds. Fox News is disaster porn. And everyone slows down for car accidents. Someone might be, like, totally dead.

The pain isn’t the funny part, it’s the reaction that is really hilarious. If our buildings fall down, we bomb Afghan weddings (they aren’t the target, just “collateral damage”). When someone is critical of your administration, you reveal that their wife is a CIA operative (but certainly not “knowingly,” that would just be malicious [or a crime, but I'm not cynical]).

Being serious, is sooooo last decade. We are the hip internet savvy masses of the future. Our disaster porn is more real and immediate than anyone else’s. And it’s ridiculous. So why not laugh.

It’s true that I have some serious problems. But in this orchestra of dysfunction, who wants to play second chair?


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